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AXA chooses WALLIX IAG to control its access rights and identities.


AXA chooses WALLIX IAG to control its access rights and identities.

As a leader in insurance, AXA has been a longtime user of WALLIX IAG. Over the course of about fifteen years, the collaboration has significantly and logically evolved. The initial steps, involving ‘simple’ Mainframe audit controls on an isolated workstation, gradually shifted towards implementing a consultation portal and managing campaigns to review hundreds of thousands of accounts from heterogeneous environments.

“Since we started working with WALLIX IAG, I don’t think we’ve really reduced the duration of the review campaigns. However, within the same timeframe, we’ve moved from reviewing a single perimeter (Mainframe) to reviewing over 150 application systems for Administrative and Distributor populations.”

– David CHARRIER, Member of the Identity & Entitlements team, AXA.

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